Jack Worrall is a Welsh Director of Photography based in London.
Obsessively creating films with his brother as a teenager, his aspirations to become a DP became clear after seeing Michael Mann’s “Heat”.

His career as a DP has grown, allowing him to shoot commercially for Barbour, Audi, Xero, Buy a Gift, Feel, Asus and many more.
Narratively his work has seen extensive festival attention, with “The Forfeit” being nominated in the Best Cinematography category at the Kino short film awards and the horror short “Fuse” being selected for Frightfest London.
His music videos include “The 345” by Self Esteem, “Dream of Running” by Jasmine Jethwa and “It’s Alright” by Xadi.
email: jack-worrall@hotmail.co.uk
contact number: (44) 7711985035